Too Stupid to Get Wrong Right

I constantly have a list of anywhere between 5 and 50 little essays I want to write – I’ll read or hear something and think that I might have, in some small and rather inconsequential way, some insight or other to offer on the topic at hand. Unfortunately, the demands of having a wife and 4 children, and a career, and being a graduate student, and occasionally trying to exercise and read and even write other things means that I can never get everything off my chest – I’d have to write full time, and even then I feel like the ideas would snowball.

So what happens is that I end up publishing either the stuff that I’ve really thought through, or the stuff that I just impulsively jot down in a hurry because…well, it’s impulsive.

This is not one of those thought-through times. This is one of those impulse things. Sometimes I can’t help myself – but I’m in good company, because apparently neither can the Congressional Democrats.

In case you didn’t hear, Representative Emmanuel Cleaver ended a prayer, “amen and awoman”. I’m not joking. And neither was Representative Cleaver.

And while many are making-hay out of the noxious ignorance that is a necessary condition of the Woke-mindset, they’re missing the more ironic, and frankly, much more hilarious part of watching the Republic burn itself down like the razed home of a morbidly obese woman too fat to be taken out of the home. Perhaps God, like Gilbert Grape, has decided that the only way to give America some dignity after a wanton lack of self-discipline had literally killed her, would be to not let people see her in all her postmortem shame, but to just burn the whole thing down. It’s an act of love, when done intentionally and for the reason of trying to allow the deceased to hold onto a shred of respect and to not be made a spectacle of. Maybe God’s letting America burn itself down just because it’s kinder than letting us see the real rankling horror of our own depravity and evil and receive the judgment that we actually deserve.

But whatever God has in mind, as the American Republic exhales its death rattle, the arsonists themselves seem either blithely unaware that they’re exacerbating the conflagration – or worse, they know and want to see it all burn down!

Let me put it another, less poetic way. Maybe God has decided that the kindest way to judge America is for us to destroy ourselves through the very tools we’ve used to mock him and become objects of judgment – namely, godlessness and stupidity. And those in charge are the Idiots-in Chief…and if they aren’t idiots then they’re evil in a way that most Americans can’t comprehend. Either they want to save America and think their moronic pronoun-fixations are actually part of anything like a solution. Or they hate America and know that the patronizing pabulum that escapes their face-holes is not in any sense a solution, but just one tool, in a whole box of tools designed to actualize and accelerate the destruction of America.

The nation’s Woketocracy are either dunces trying to put out fires with gasoline or arsonists who know exactly what they’re doing. And I’m sure there are members of both camps.

But like I’ve said before, we have to see the humor in this whole thing! Because it is funny. It’s gallows-humor, to be sure, but it’s still humor. And I’m the kinda guy who laughs at a funeral…incidentally, I DO have a history of taking off my shirt. It’s funny because our country is run by such manifest fools that you have to laugh. It’s not even a “you have to laugh to not cry” kinda sitch. It’s just really, really, really, stupid. And that’s funny.

One wonders if at the downfall of every empire if people pointed out that imbeciles seemed to be running the show. From what I’ve read of history, the answer seems to be “yes”. But history’s boring. And our political elites obviously have demonstrated very little interest in learning from history. But again, I’m digressing, and this is all beside the point, because the point isn’t simply that our Congressman didn’t know that “Amen” comes to us through Latin, from the Greek “ἀμήν” from the Hebrew “אמן”. I mean, there was a time in American history where every educated person had a working knowledge of Greek and Latin. But that was also a time where we valued a classical education because it could make the kind of men that Rome produced – you know, men that could build an empire that would last 1,000 years. But, in pedagogical fixation for Anti-Occidents, we’ve decided that Western-Civ has got to go, so, piss on Plato, and Caesar, and Livy, and Cicero, and all the great ancient and medieval thinkers and scholars who used to form the bedrock or our thinking. And sure – there’s much to criticize in the worldviews of Plato and Caesar, et al., but ignorance isn’t a criticism. And determining that entire generations of our most educated people can gain no benefit from reading and thinking through the foundational documents of the Western Canon is either ludicrously arrogant and naïve or deliberately destructive. Show me the person who can’t be improved in their thinking by Thucydides and I’ll show you someone too stupid to gain anything from anything but beatings.

So what do we have at the top? We have boorish idealogues and demagogues who are beyond the point of ignorance – who are so stupid you have to think it’s on purpose. I mean, I keep waiting for the day that like a good third of the country, just gets together and shouts “SURPRISE!” And everyone who isn’t diabolically or psychopathically devoted to secular paganism will be confused and then the major media, every elected Democrat, and like half the American clergy will say, “C’mon guys, did you really think we meant that – we were just messin’ with ya!” It’s all so abominably stupid that I keep thinking, “OK, pretty soon Ashton is gonna tell me that I’m being punked.”

Alack – Ashton never tells me I’m being punked. So, we, as a society, get to watch people like Rep. Cleaver say, “Amen and awoman” with nary a happy reveal that it was all a big joke. And the heresy and the ignorance of Greek and Latin and Hebrew would be bad enough. But he doesn’t even know how English works. Even if “amen” had anything to do with penis-having homo sapiens, it would still be the plural “men” that came after the prefix “a”. But “awoman” uses the singular for a non-penis having homo sapiens. It’s so stupid that it can’t even be wrong right. He should have at least said “amen and awomen”…or womyn…or wimmin…or who knows…or cares. But the point is “woman” should have been plural for him to be wrong right, but he couldn’t even be right about being wrong.

Just remember, these are the people who make laws. These are the people responsible for determining when you get to exercise your liberty. These are the people who get to confiscate your wealth.

And I mean, c’mon, in light of all the self-aggrandizing narcissism of the wokesters it is pretty funny to see just what commonplace intellects these folk really are. As the female “dockworkers” are wont to put it: “Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land; See them with their trousers off, they're never quite as grand.” Indeed, just as the ladies of the night get to see how base, and pathetic, so many of our great men and women really are, we all get to enjoy seeing these dolts take themselves down peg by peg until eventually they pull the nation down on all of our heads.

But until that happens I’m going to laugh…because it is funny.